Friday Jul 26, 2019
Season 1, Ep. 3 - "Horses in the Military"
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Our history in America has long been tied to horses. They've helped us travel from coast to coast, hauled goods and even helped us grow all of the food we've needed. But one part of their history that's often overlooked is how integral horses have been in our military. In this episode, we look at how wars were won thanks to these animals and how they continue to serve in the police and military today.
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Season 1, Ep. 2 - "Victory Gardens"
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
What would you do if the U.S. government told you it needed your help to plant as many fruits and vegetables as possible? Would you dive in and grow food for your family? Well, that's what happened during both World Wars - and millions of Americans participated. We discuss the Victory Gardens movement that was a wild success before vanishing once World War II was over.
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Season 1, Ep. 1 - "Technology Addiction"
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Technology has long been a part of American culture but we're only just starting to notice the long term effects. Are we too dependent on it or is it making our world a better place? We speak with experts and former addicts about our current dependence on technology and what the future holds.
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Reconnecting Roots Podcast - Series Trailer
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Listen to our trailer to find out what Reconnecting Roots is like! We dive deep into the past, present, and future of a given topic related to American culture. Looking at the good AND the bad to try and see what we've lost over the years - or what's improved. We chat with experts every episode to get their insights on why these things are so important.